• Disable Short Tasks
    • : Short Tasks will be disabled
      Disableable Tasks
      • Clean Vent
        • : Clean Vent will be disabled
        • : Clean Vent will be enabled
      • Calibrate Distributor
        • : Calibrate Distributor will be disabled
        • : Calibrate Distributor will be enabled
      • Chart Course
        • : Chart Course will be disabled
        • : Chart Course will be enabled
      • Stabilize Steering
        • : Stabilize Steering will be disabled
        • : Stabilize Steering will be enabled
      • Clean O2 Filter
        • : Clean O2 Filter will be disabled
        • : Clean O2 Filter will be enabled
      • Unlock Manifolds
        • : Unlock Manifolds will be disabled
        • : Unlock Manifolds will be enabled
      • Prime Shields
        • : Prime Shields will be disabled
        • : Prime Shields will be enabled
      • Measure Weather
        • : Measure Weather will be disabled
        • : Measure Weather will be enabled
      • Buy Beverage
        • : Buy Beverage will be disabled
        • : Buy Beverage will be enabled
      • Assemble Artifact
        • : Assemble Artifact will be disabled
        • : Assemble Artifact will be enabled
      • Sort Samples
        • : Sort Samples will be disabled
        • : Sort Samples will be enabled
      • Process Data
        • : Process Data will be disabled
        • : Process Data will be enabled
      • Run Diagnostics
        • : Run Diagnostics will be disabled
        • : Run Diagnostics will be enabled
      • Repair Drill
        • : Repair Drill will be disabled
        • : Repair Drill will be enabled
      • Align Telescope
        • : Align Telescope will be disabled
        • : Align Telescope will be enabled
      • Record Temperature
        • : Record Temperature will be disabled
        • : Record Temperature will be enabled
      • Fill Canisters
        • : Fill Canisters will be disabled
        • : Fill Canisters will be enabled
      • Monitor Tree
        • : Monitor Tree will be disabled
        • : Monitor Tree will be enabled
      • Store Artifacts
        • : Store Artifacts will be disabled
        • : Store Artifacts will be enabled
      • Put Away Pistols
        • : Put Away Pistols will be disabled
        • : Put Away Pistols will be enabled
      • Put Away Rifles
        • : Put Away Rifles will be disabled
        • : Put Away Rifles will be enabled
      • Make Burger
        • : Make Burger will be disabled
        • : Make Burger will be enabled
      • Clean Toilet
        • : Clean Toilet will be disabled
        • : Clean Toilet will be enabled
      • Decontaminate
        • : Decontaminate will be disabled
        • : Decontaminate will be enabled
      • Sort Records
        • : Sort Records will be disabled
        • : Sort Records will be enabled
      • Fix Shower
        • : Fix Shower will be disabled
        • : Fix Shower will be enabled
      • Pick Up Towels
        • : Pick Up Towels will be disabled
        • : Pick Up Towels will be enabled
      • Polish Ruby
        • : Polish Ruby will be disabled
        • : Polish Ruby will be enabled
      • Dress Mannequin
        • : Dress Mannequin will be disabled
        • : Dress Mannequin will be enabled
      • Roast Mashmallow
        • : Roast Mashmallow will be disabled
        • : Roast Mashmallow will be enabled
      • Collect Samples
        • : Collect Samples will be disabled
        • : Collect Samples will be enabled
      • Replace Parts
        • : Replace Parts will be disabled
        • : Replace Parts will be enabled
    • : Short Tasks will be enabled
  • Disable Common Tasks
    • : Common Tasks will be disabled
      Disableable Tasks
      • Swipe Card
        • : Swipe Card will be disabled
        • : Swipe Card will be enabled
      • Fix Wiring
        • : Fix Wiring will be disabled
        • : Fix Wiring will be enabled
      • Enter ID Code
        • : Enter ID Code will be disabled
        • : Enter ID Code will be enabled
      • Insert Keys
        • : Insert Keys will be disabled
        • : Insert Keys will be enabled
      • Scan Boarding Pass
        • : Scan Boarding Pass will be disabled
        • : Scan Boarding Pass will be enabled
      • Collect Vegetables
        • : Collect Vegetables will be disabled
        • : Collect Vegetables will be enabled
      • Mine Ores
        • : Mine Ores will be disabled
        • : Mine Ores will be enabled
      • Extract Fuel
        • : Extract Fuel will be disabled
        • : Extract Fuel will be enabled
      • Catch Fish
        • : Catch Fish will be disabled
        • : Catch Fish will be enabled
      • Polish Gem
        • : Polish Gem will be disabled
        • : Polish Gem will be enabled
      • Help Critter
        • : Help Critter will be disabled
        • : Help Critter will be enabled
      • Hoist Supplies
        • : Hoist Supplies will be disabled
        • : Hoist Supplies will be enabled
    • : Common Tasks will be enabled
  • Disable Long Tasks
    • : Long Tasks will be disabled
      Disableable Tasks
      • Submit Scan
        • : Submit Scan will be disabled
        • : Submit Scan will be enabled
      • Unlock Safe
        • : Unlock Safe will be disabled
        • : Unlock Safe will be enabled
      • Start Reactor
        • : Start Reactor will be disabled
        • : Start Reactor will be enabled
      • Reset Breakers
        • : Reset Breakers will be disabled
        • : Reset Breakers will be enabled
      • Align Engine Output
        • : Align Engine Output will be disabled
        • : Align Engine Output will be enabled
      • Inspect Sample
        • : Inspect Sample will be disabled
        • : Inspect Sample will be enabled
      • Empty Chute
        • : Empty Chute will be disabled
        • : Empty Chute will be enabled
      • Clear Asteroids
        • : Clear Asteroids will be disabled
        • : Clear Asteroids will be enabled
      • Water Plants
        • : Water Plants will be disabled
        • : Water Plants will be enabled
      • Open Waterways
        • : Open Waterways will be disabled
        • : Open Waterways will be enabled
      • Replace Water Jug
        • : Replace Water Jug will be disabled
        • : Replace Water Jug will be enabled
      • Reboot Wifi
        • : Reboot Wifi will be disabled
        • : Reboot Wifi will be enabled
      • Develop Photos
        • : Develop Photos will be disabled
        • : Develop Photos will be enabled
      • Rewind Tapes
        • : Rewind Tapes will be disabled
        • : Rewind Tapes will be enabled
      • Start Fans
        • : Start Fans will be disabled
        • : Start Fans will be enabled
      • Fix Antenna
        • : Fix Antenna will be disabled
        • : Fix Antenna will be enabled
      • Build Sandcastle
        • : Build Sandcastle will be disabled
        • : Build Sandcastle will be enabled
      • Crank Generator
        • : Crank Generator will be disabled
        • : Crank Generator will be enabled
      • Monitor Mushroom
        • : Monitor Mushroom will be disabled
        • : Monitor Mushroom will be enabled
      • Play Video Game
        • : Play Video Game will be disabled
        • : Play Video Game will be enabled
      • Find Signal
        • : Find Signal will be disabled
        • : Find Signal will be enabled
      • Throw Frisbee
        • : Throw Frisbee will be disabled
        • : Throw Frisbee will be enabled
      • Light Weights
        • : Light Weights will be disabled
        • : Light Weights will be enabled
      • Collect Shells
        • : Collect Shells will be disabled
        • : Collect Shells will be enabled
    • : Long Tasks will be enabled
  • Disable Situational Tasks
    • : Situational Tasks will be disabled
      Disableable Tasks
      • Upload Data
        • : Upload Data will be disabled
        • : Upload Data will be enabled
      • Empty Garbage
        • : Empty Garbage will be disabled
        • : Empty Garbage will be enabled
      • Fuel Engines
        • : Fuel Engines will be disabled
        • : Fuel Engines will be enabled
      • Divert Power
        • : Divert Power will be disabled
        • : Divert Power will be enabled
      • Weather Nodes
        • : Weather Nodes will be disabled
        • : Weather Nodes will be enabled
    • : Situational Tasks will be enabled
  • Guesser Mode
    • : Guesser Mode will be enabled
      • can guess
        • : can guess players' roles
      • can guess
        • : can guess players' roles
        • : cannot guess players' roles
      • Killers can guess
        • : Killers can guess players' roles
        • : Killers cannot guess players' roles
      • Passive can guess
        • : Passive can guess players' roles
        • : Passive cannot guess players' roles
      • Can Guess Add-ons
        • : Add-ons can be guessed
        • : Add-ons cannot be guessed
      • Try to hide guesser's commands
        • : Guessers' commands will be hidden
        • : Guessers' commands will be shown
    • : Guesser Mode will be disabled
  • Show only enabled roles in Guesser UI
    • : Guesser UI will only display the roles that you have toggled on (5%-100%)
    • : Guesser UI will display all roles like before (0%-100%)

From: TOHE