
Cleanser can vote for any target at the meeting to erase the target's Add-ons. The erasure will take effect after the meeting ends. Depending on the settings, cleansed players may not receive add ons after being cleansed.

  • Max
    • Set the Maximum amount of Cleansers that can be in a match
  • Max cleanses
    • Set the Maximum amount of cleanses a Cleanser can do
  • Cleansed player can get Add-on
    • : the Cleansed player can get add ons when cleansed
    • : the Cleansed player cannot get add ons when cleansed
  • Hide Cleanser's vote
    • : the Cleansed players vote will be hidden
    • : the Cleansed players vote will not be hidden

Idea: Raven & Coding: ryuk