
If the Jester get voted out, the Jester wins the game alone. If the Jester is still alive at the end of the game, the Jester loses the game. Note: Jester, Executioner, and Innocent can win together.

  • Max
    • Set the Maximum amount of Jesters that can be in a match.
  • Can call emergency meetings
    • : this role can call a meeting like normal
    • : this role cannot call an emergency meeting
  • Can Vent
    • : this role gets the ability to Vent
    • : this role cannot Vent
    • Has Impostor Vision
    • : the Jester has the same vision as an Impostor
    • : the Jester has default vision
  • Hide Jester's Vote
    • : the Jester's vote will be hidden from other players
    • : the Jester's vote will be shown to other players

From: TOH