
The Mayor receives extra votes. The Mayor may also get a Portable Meeting Button.

  • Max
    • Set the Maximum amount of Mayors that can be in a match
  • Additional Votes Count
    • Set how many extra votes a Mayor gets
  • Mayor has a Mobile Emergency Button
    • : the Mayor may vent to call a meeting
    • : the Mayor cannot call meetings except by calling a button normally
  • Max Number of Mobile Emergency Buttons
    • Set how many Emergency Meetings a Mayor can Vent to Call
  • Hide additional vote(s)
    • : the Mayor's extra votes will show up as nothing
    • : the Mayor's extra votes will show up as normal votes
  • Mayor is revealed to everyone on task completion
    • : the Mayor will be revealed to everyone at the beginning of the game
    • : the Mayor will not be revealed to anyone at the beginning of the game
  • Override Mayor's Tasks
    • : you can set a different amount of Tasks that a Mayor needs to do
      • Mayor has Common Tasks
        • Set if the Mayor has Common Tasks
      • Amount of Long Tasks for Mayor
        • Set the amount of Long Tasks the Mayor will receive
      • Amount of Short Tasks for Mayor
        • Set the amount of Short Tasks the Mayor will receive
    • : the Mayor does the same amount of Tasks as anyone else

From: Town of Us: Reactivated