
The President has 2 abilities: End the meeting and Reveal identity.

Ability 1: End the meeting - Type /end in meetings as President to instantly end the meeting.

Ability 2: Reveal identity - Type /reveal in meetings to reveal yourself. Revealing yourself will make it so every player can see that you are the President and you will become unguessable after typing the command. However, after the President has revealed themselves, whoever killed the President will have their kill CD greatly reduced on their next kill.

  • Max
    • Set the Maximum amount of Presidents that can be in a match
  • Max Number of Ability Uses
    • Set how many times the President can use their Ability
  • President can be guessed after revealing
    • : Players can guess the President after they have revealed
    • : Players cannot guess the President after they have revealed
  • Neutrals can see revealed President
    • : Neutrals can see the revealed President
    • : Neutrals cannot see the revealed President
  • Madmates can see revealed President
    • : Madmates can see the revealed President
    • : Madmates cannot see the revealed President
  • Impostors can see revealed President
    • : Impostors can see the revealed President
    • : Impostors cannot see the revealed President
  • Hide President's Commands
    • : The mod will hide commands President's commands
    • : The mod will not hide commands President's commands

From: SLE & Coding: SolarFlare