
The Dazzler can Shapeshift into players to reduce their vision permanently, if you die their vision returns to normal.

  • Max
    • Set the Maximum amount of Dazzlers that can be in a match
  • Kill Cooldown
    • Set how long the Dazzler needs to wait to Kill
  • Dazzle Cooldown
    • Set how long the Dazzler needs to wait to Dazzle again
  • Reduced vision
    • Set how much vision the Dazzler will reduce from the player they Dazzle
  • Max number of players affected by reduced vision
    • Set the Maximum amount of players that can be affected by the Dazzlers reduced vision
  • Reset vision of dazzled players on death/eject
    • : the players that were Dazzled will have their vision returned to normal if the Dazzler dies or is ejected
    • : the players that were Dazzled will NOT have their vision remain reduced if the Dazzler dies or is ejected

From: Idea & Coding: papercutopen in new window