
The Romantic can pick their lover partner using their kill button (this can be done at any point of the game). Once they've picked their partner, they can use their kill button to give their partner a temporary shield which protects them from attacks. If their lover partner dies, the Romantic's role will change according to the following conditions:

  1. If their partner was an Impostor, the Romantic becomes the Refugee
  2. If their partner was a Neutral Killer, then they become Ruthless Romantic.
  3. If their partner was a Crewmate or a non-killing neutral, the Romantic becomes the Vengeful Romantic.

The Romantic wins with the winning team if their partner wins.
Note : If your role changes your win condition will be changed accordingly

  • Pick Partner Cooldown
    • Set the cooldown for picking a partner
  • Protect Cooldown
    • Set the cooldown for protecting your partner
  • Protect Duration
    • Set the duration of the protection
  • Romantic knows their target's role
    • : the Romantic knows their target's role
    • : the Romantic only knows who their target is, but not their role
  • Target knows who the Romantic is
    • : the Romantic's target knows who their Romantic is
    • : the target doesnโ€™t know who their Romantic is

From: Stellar Roles & Coding: [Gurge44] & [ryuk]