
The Mechanic can use the vent at any time. They can also fix all Sabotages by themself. (Depending on Settings)

  • Max
    • Set the Maximum amount of Mechanics that can be in a match.
  • Initial repair use limit
    • Set the amount of Ability Uses a Mechanic has at the start of the game
  • Can open all doors in the same building
    • : the Mechanic can open all Doors at once
    • : the Mechanic cannot open all Doors at once
  • Can Fix Both Reactors Alone
    • : the Mechanic can fix this by themself
    • : the Mechanic cannot fix this by themself
  • Can Fix Both O2 Alone
    • : the Mechanic can fix this by themself
    • : the Mechanic cannot fix this by themself
  • Can Fix Comms Alone in MIRA HQ
    • : the Mechanic can fix this by themself
    • : the Mechanic cannot fix this by themself
  • Can Fix Lights With One Switch
    • : the Mechanic can fix this by themself
    • : the Mechanic cannot fix this by themself
    • Set the amount of Ability Uses a Mechanic gains with each Task completed (0.1 increments)
  • Uses it takes to fix Reactor/O2
    • Set the amount of Ability Uses it takes to fix Reactor/O2 (0.1 increments)
  • Uses it takes to fix Lights/Comms
    • Set the amount of Ability Uses it takes to fix Lights/Comms (0.1 increments)

From: TOH