
The more Tasks that the Time Manager does will increase the Meeting Time. If they become Mad Time Manager then doing Tasks will have the opposite effect. Upon death, all of the Time added-taken away from the Meeting will revert back to normal.

  • Max
    • Set the Maximum amount of Time Managers that can be in a match
  • Increase voting time by
    • Set how much the Voting Time is increased when Time Manager does a Task
  • Maximum Length of Meetings
    • Set the Cap for Meeting Length
  • - Minimum Voting Time
    • Set the Minimal amount of time that voting time in a Meeting can be
  • Override Time Manager's Tasks
    • : you can set a different amount of Tasks that a Time Manager needs to do
      • Merchant has Common Tasks
        • Set if the Time Manager has Common Tasks
      • Amount of Long Tasks for Time Manager
        • Set the amount of Long Tasks the Merchant will receive
      • Amount of Short Tasks for Time Manager
        • Set the amount of Short Tasks the Merchant will receive
    • : the Time Manager does the same amount of Tasks as anyone else

From: TOH