
As the Berserker, you level up with each kill. Upon reaching a certain level defined by the host, you unlock a new power.

Scavenged kills make your kills disappear.
Bombed kills make your kills explode.

  • Max
    • Set the Maximum amount of Berserkers that can be in a match
  • Berserker kill cooldown
    • Set how long the Berserker has to wait to kill
  • Max level that Berserker can reach
    • Set the Berserkers maximum level that they can build up to
  • Unlock lower kill cooldown
    • : Berserker can unlock a lower kill cooldown if they reach a certain level
      • Kill cooldown after unlocking
        • Set the kill cooldown that the Berserker will have after reaching a certain level
      • Level requirement for unlock
        • Set the level that the Berserker needs to reach to unlock this buff
    • : Berserker cannot unlock a lower kill cooldown even if they reach a certain level
  • Unlock scavenged kills
    • : Berserker can unlock scavenged kills if they reach a certain level
      • Level requirement for unlock
        • Set the level that the Berserker needs to reach to unlock this buff
    • : Berserker cannot unlock scavenged kills even if they reach a certain level
  • Unlock bombed kills
    • : Berserker can unlock bombed kills if they reach a certain level
      • Level requirement for unlock
        • Set the level that the Berserker needs to reach to unlock this buff
    • : Berserker cannot unlock bombed kills even if they reach a certain level
  • Unlock immortality
    • : Berserker can unlock immortality if they reach a certain level
      • Level requirement for unlock
        • Set the level that the Berserker needs to reach to unlock this buff
    • : Berserker cannot unlock immortality even if they reach a certain level