
The Evil Tracker can track other people, and the Evil Tracker can Shapeshift into someone to switch the tracking target to the Shapeshift target (You will immediately unshift after performing Shapeshift). The arrow below the Evil Tracker’s name indicates the direction of the target. When the Evil Tracker’s teammate kills, the Evil Tracker will see a kill-flash.

  • Max
    • Set the Maximum amount of Evil Trackers that can be in a match.
  • Can See Kill-Flash
    • : the Evil Tracker will receive a Flash when their teammate kills.
    • : the Evil Tracker will not receive this Flash.
  • Can Set Target
    • Set how the Evil Tracker can Set their Target
      • Never
      • Once in a game
      • Every Meeting
      • Any Time
  • Can See Target’s Last Room In Meeting
    • : the Evil Tracker can see what room their Target was in right before the Meeting
    • : the Evil Tracker will not receive this info.

From: TOHE-R