
As the Trapster, your main method of killing is by body reports.
When someone tries to report a body you killed, they'll die.

  • Max
    • Set the Maximum amount of Trapsters that can be in a match
  • Kill Cooldown
    • Set how long a Trapster needs to wait to Kill players
  • Trap consecutive bodies
    • : Bodies killed by the Trapster will trigger another trap on the player that reported them.
    • : Bodies killed by the Trapster will not trigger another trap on the player that reported them.
  • Trap Trapster's body
    • : The Trapsters body will be treated as a body killed by the Trapster
    • : The Trapsters body will not be treated as a body killed by the Trapster
      • Trap consecutive bodies
        • : Bodies killed by the Trapster will trigger another trap on the player that reported them
        • : Bodies killed by the Trapster will not trigger another trap on the player that reported them

Idea & Coding: KARPED1EMopen in new window