
The Arsonist can douse by clicking the kill button on the player and following them for a few seconds. When the dousing starts and it's successful, a shield animation will be displayed as a reminder (only visible to themselves). When the Arsonist has doused all surviving players, the Arsonist can vent to start the fire and win alone.

If the player name shows 「△」, that means they are being doused; if the player name shows 「▲」, it means they have been completely doused. Depending on the setting, Arsonist may start the fire anytime. But if he failed to kill everyone, he loses.

  • Max
    • Set the Maximum amount of Arsonists that can be in a match
  • Douse Duration
    • Set how long the Arsonist needs to be next to someone for a successful Dousing
  • Cooldown
    • Set the time an Arsonist needs to wait until they can Douse again
  • Can ignite anytime
    • : the Arsonist can ignite all currently doused players whenever they want
      • Minimum doused needed for ignite
        • Set the Minimum amount of players that the Arsonist needs to have doused before they can ignite
      • Maximum doused needed for ignite
        • Set the Maximum amount of players that the Arsonist can ignite at a time
    • : the Arsonist cannot ignite all currently doused players whenever they want

From: TOH