
As the Bandit, use your kill button to steal a player's add-on. Depending on the settings, you may instantly steal the addon or after the meeting starts. After the max number of steals are reached you will be able to kill normally. Additionally, if there are no stealable addons present on the target you will kill the target.

Kill everyone to win.

Note: Cleansed, Last Impostor and Lovers can not be stolen.

  • Max
    • Set the Maximum amount of Bandits that can be in a match
  • Maximum Steals
    • Set the Maximum amount of Steals a Bandit can do
  • Kill Cooldown
    • Set the amount of time a Bandit must wait between kills
  • Steal Mode
    • Instantly - Steal the addon instantly
    • On Meeting - Steal the addon when the meeting starts
  • Can Steal Betrayal Addons
    • : the Bandit can steal Betrayal Addons
    • : the Bandit cannot steal Betrayal Addons
  • Can Steal Impostor Only Addons
    • : the Bandit can steal Impostor Only Addons
    • : the Bandit cannot steal Impostor Only Addons
  • Can Sabotage
    • : the Bandit can Sabotage
    • : the Bandit cannot Sabotage

Idea: [thewhiskas27] & Coding ryuk