
(Plague Doctor from TOH) The Plague Scientist's goal is to infect every living player. They start by choosing one player to infect, after which anyone who spends a set amount of time in range of the infected player becomes infected themselves. Infection progress is cumulative, and does not reset with distance or after meetings.

  • Infect Limit
    • Set the maximum Infects the Plague Scientist has
  • Infect Killer when Killed
    • : the Plague Scientist's killer will become Infected
    • : the Plague Scientist's killer will not become Infected
  • Infect Time
    • Set how long a player needs to be around an Infected player before they become Infected themself
  • Infect Distance
    • Set how close a player needs to be around an Infected player before they become Infected themself
  • Delay Infection After Start the Game and After Meetings
    • Set the Delay for Infecting at the Start of Game/After Meetings
  • Can Infect Self
    • : the Plague Scientist can Infect themself
    • : the Plague Scientist cannot Infect themself
  • Can Infect While in Vent
    • : the Plague Scientist can Infect in a Vent
    • : the Plague Scientist cannot Infect in a Vent

From: TOH & Coding: [Drakos]